Featured Article
Tales from The Gambia'
by Daddy
Chabi (Trevor Key)
Beautiful Butterfish
It is said that beauty is in the eye
of the beholder, well I may have a
'jaundiced eye' or 'rose tinted
spectacles' but there is nothing
wrong with my taste buds and I rate
the humble
Butterfish alongside the
very expensive Monk fish any day.
Butterfish is the local English
language name for the rather grand
sounding Ephippion guttiferum (Bennet
1831) which is actually a member of
the 'puffer' or 'globe' fish family.
These fish are found everywhere in
the warm, rich Gambian waters - be
it mudflats, sandbars or rocky
Being scale-less cartilaginous and
'having a face' (according to local
legend) they were not considered a
real fish and have traditionally
been held in low regard by artisanal
fishermen. However, with the
growth of tourism and the excellent
reputation of Gambian waters which
has been promoted worldwide by
visiting anglers.
The once humble Butterfish now ranks
equally alongside the Barracuda and
Ladyfish (Long-neck Croaker) on
restaurant and hotel menu's.
Mature Butterfish can attain a
length of 30 inches and tip the
scales at a respectable 10-14lbs.
With their solid musculature and
powerful tail they provide a worthy
battle on light tackle.
Their diet consists solely of
crustaceans and molluscs and to
facilitate this they are equipped
with powerful jaws and massive
crushing teeth, not unlike those of
the Parrot fish which grazes on
The locally preferred and most
effective bait is half a peeled
shrimp presented on a 1/0 hook. Many
anglers (to their dismay) have found
that using larger hook sizes seems
to annoy the Butterfish and they
promptly bite through the hook as
cleanly as a pair of
'bolt-croppers'. Using the smaller,
hook size and staying alert for the
first gentle 'rattle and pull'
enables them to be lip hooked
whereby they are unable to put their
formidable 'nashers' to use.

If you miss that first gentle tap
then the next indication you have a
fish on is when you begin to reel in
to re-bait. This often leads
to frustration, as after swallowing
your hook. Butterfish often
dislodge the shrimp and continue to
follow it up the leader (chomping
all the time!) Once the fish
feels the pull on the line his
powerful tail goes into action and
he starts shaking his head and
invariably the 'well crimped' leader
Some pundits advocate using wire
leader or braid, but I have found by
experience, that they can bite
through wire as easily as they do
hooks, and braid tends to wrap
around your main line causing the
fish to bite through your line, thus
your terminal tackle plus fish are
So my humble advice is: light
tackle, responsive rod tip, small
hook and 20lb Amnesia leader, stay
alert, a short moderate strike and
gently bring the fish alongside to
your landing net.
You will then ensure you have a fish
supper fit for a King - which knocks
the spots of your cod and chips any
Bon Appetit
Daddy Chabi