What John
Wilson has to Say about

We would like to
express our gratitude and give
special thanks to John Wilson, T.V.
angling presenter of the 'Go
Fishing' Series who has over the
years promoted fishing
The Gambia.
below excerpt
an excellent over-view of what to
expect when fishing in The Gambia
with 'African Angler'. We hope
you find this article an interesting
It is taken from the book..........
ISBN 0-7522-1969-3
Order your copy from
John Wilson
& yet poor in so many
ways: harsh yet
beautiful. The hallmark
& stark images of
Africa, together with
its many different
peoples, cultures,
languages, exotic
perfumes and diversity
of flora & fauna make
this continent utterly
fascinating. And you’ll
find it all here in one
of her tiniest, most
colourful children, The
Geographically this vibrant country
is narrowly wedged into West
Africa’s Senegal, with tourism fast
becoming its major industry due to
the English-speaking people,
wonderful year-round climate and
golden sandy beaches dotted with
affordable hotels and colourful
fishing villages.
The real heart of the country is the
fabulously rich and coloured,
shrimp-packed Gambia River, which
flows westwards for over 400 miles
from its source in Guinea Bissau,
finally emptying into the Atlantic
Ocean at Banjul, the capital. Here
in the five mile-wide mouth of the
river, where depths vary from just
10 to over 100 feet, schools of
bottled nosed dolphins delight
tourists and anglers alike, and the
strong tidal influences prevail for
some 200 miles upriver all the way
to Georgetown. Stretching
inland from the delta around Banjul
is a huge, fascinating network of
mangrove swamps and tidal channels
attracting many fish species
including tarpon, nine-bones,
crevalle jacks, barracudas, and
captain fish plus a host of quaint
lesser species from butterfish and
red snappers to the tooth-laden
bastard halibut. And the exotic bird
life provides a veritable
‘twitchers’ paradise, with ospreys,
goliath herons and bee-eaters
considered everyday sightings.
fishing charters, whether fun trips
through the maze of creeks or
inshore reef fishing at anchor,
trolling, shark fishing, tarpon
fishing, among others, all start
from Denton Bridge a few miles south
of the capital. Here the main
coastal road from Banjul spans a
wide and fast tidal channel where
all the boats are anchored,
providing boat captains & skippers
with a quick route out into the
ocean, or a chug through the
mangrove channels (trolling for
barracuda en-route) into Banjul
harbour and to all upriver
destinations. Prior to setting off,
a tub of fresh livebaits in the way
of 4-6 inch yaboys, a silver-sided
herring-like fish, are easily taken
adjacent to Denton Bridge by
anchoring a little up-tide and
jigging with a set of hok-eye shrimp
lures. Also, live mullet may be
purchased from the cast net
fishermen who work the shallows
beside the bridge every morning.
Also from the local fish markets,
fresh bonga fish (an alias shad no
less and the staple food fish of The
Gambia) are always available for
whole or cut bait.
On the social side, you can order
sumptuous seafood cocktails in the
way of jumbo-sized curried shrimps,
and grilled lobsters, whilst lazing
beside your hotel pool. So It’s not
difficult to understand why, being
less than six hours away from
Gatwick, anglers are now flocking to
The Gambia, and they are returning
year after year. My wife Jo, and I,
have it at the very top of our
holiday list. For unequalled
lunchtime pleasure there is nothing
to beat ‘ ILL Mondos’ at Kotu beach,
along with lobsters and giant
shrimps, visitors can enjoy a
Special Pitcher of delicious
calvados, amaretto, cointreau, dry
cider and crushed ice. Small wonder
I can never fathom out which mix I
like the best.
for the fishing, I need to go back
to the late 1980’s when I first met
Yorkshireman Mark Longster, now by
far the most experienced and
respected skipper of all Gambian
charter companies. In those early
days when filming for television,
Mark made an enormous effort to
ensure that we caught large sharks
whilst anchored in the middle of the
river mouth at Barra. We accounted
for lemon sharks to over 300lb, plus
some large barracudas on two
consecutive days. Strangely, shark
fishing is now largely forgotten in
Gambian waters; it has been replaced
with a growing interest in giant
tarpon and unbelievably exciting
reef fishing for a dozen or more
species that can top 30lbs or more.
And with his current boat (23ft
Boston Whaler), which is a beamy &
comfortable fishing platform, he and
his partner Tracey day offer several
exciting packages to the visiting
I guess overall that the reef/sport
fishing at anchor over the rocks
either at Barra or further south
over Mantel Reef, provide the best
‘bran tub’ sport of all. Whilst
ledgering out a bonga bait or a
live-bait on a 20-30lb class outfit,
likely customers include the
colourful and absurdly hard-fighting
cubera snapper to over 40lbs,
crevalle jacks to over 30lbs,
cassavas (known as Kob in South
Africa) up to 40lbs and the strange
transparent-nosed king threadfin
salmon, also called captain fish,
but locally known as kujeli. These
fast-running super sport fish are
regularly caught in the 30lb to 50lb
bracket on small live-baits, yaboys,
or mullet (and the world’s all
tackle best of 72lb was in fact
successfully recorded in The
Gambia). Incidentally, and this
illustrates the potential of these
incredible fertile seas, whilst
shark fishing off Barra in 50ft of
the early days before anyone in The
Gambia bothered about IGFA Records,
Mark caught a truly mammoth
threadfin salmon weighing 120lb,
using a whole bonga fish as bait on
a 10/0 hook and wire trace – but
never bothered to claim the capture
as a record. The same can be said of
another species, the cobia, also
occasionally caught in the 40lb-70lb
bracket by anglers fishing over
Mantel Reef. A huge cobia, weighing
154lb was taken by English angler
Bob Murrock whilst trolling a CD18
plug for barracudas at the back of
the Sunbeach Hotel. The capture was
in fact recorded on video, but not
ratified by the IGFA due to a mix up
during the exhaustive form filling
There are, however, several Gambian
records Accepted by the IGFA
including the all-tackle sandbar
shark of 260lb caught by Paul
Delsignore in 1989. But none can
compare with a truly giant barracuda
which Mark witnessed at Bakau
market having already been hacked
into three easy-to-weigh pieces.
Together, the head and two body
chunks totalled a staggering 60kg,
which despite losing an enormous
amount of body fluids, came from a
colossal barracuda easily 40lb
heavier than the current world
all-tackle record of 83lb caught by
K. Hackett from Lagos, Nigeria in
1952. Some of the best trolling for
both barracudas and crevalle jacks,
incidentally, is also along the
reefs running parallel with the
southern coastline, and in Marks
opinion the most successful
artificial lure of all is the rapala
CD18 – a preference I would say that
skippers share on a world-wide basis
in both freshwater and saltwater.
Now lets talk about tarpon fishing
‘Gambian style”. Again, monsters far
larger than the long-standing
current all-tackle world IGFA record
of 283lbs not only exist but in
large numbers in The Gambia River.
The largest authenticated tarpon
weighed an incredible 303lbs and was
landed following a three hour battle
by Carl Pashley from England using a
55lb test braided reel line (it was
refuted by the IFGA on technicality,
despite being officially weighed).
With reference to there being real
numbers of huge tarpon living in the
Gambia River however, I recall a
session of several years back when
Jo and I visited Mark and Tracey for
a week’s serious fishing.
WILSON'S Articles & Reviews |

in The
Gambia -
Fish for giant Atlantic Tarpon in The Gambia river estuary........Read More
Sport Fishing on the inshore reefs & sandbars.................................................Read More
Light tackle species fishing in the oyster mangrove creeks.................Read More
Shore Angling Safari’s along Gambia’s unspoilt coastline.................Read More
THE BOAT - Skippers - Location
Our Boston Whaler boat will get you to all major fishing grounds within 30 mins........................................Read More
Take a look at what our Angler's have
been reeling in ....................Read More |
day's sport fishing with
7 nts accommodation at the Ngala Lodge... ................................................Read More |
our Facebook Page |
We had motored upriver
opposite Dog Island and
anchored in the middle
of a 50ft deep tide rip
where the Gambia River
is getting on for 12
miles. (This is a known
tarpon channel where
anything can in fact
turn up, like the 115lb
snapper in 1997 which
gobbled up a single
yaboy intended for
tarpon, the angler
needing all of his 50lb
class outfit to subdue
such a massive cubera).
During the last two
hours of the flood tide
Mark was convinced we
would experience tarpon
breaking the mirror-like
surface and together
with a group of
bottle-nosed dolphins,
he was so right. Massive
tarpon could be seen
wallowing and crashing
through the surface film
for at least a couple of
hundred yards in all
four directions around
the boat. Scarcely a
minute passed by without
one, two or even three
tarpon simultaneously
rolling, topping and
tailing or crashing out.
There were obviously
hundreds of tarpon
around us – huge
deep-bodied specimens,
between 7 ft and 8 ft
long in the 150-300lb
range. I have never
experienced such a
spectacle of fish ever
before or since. We were
like kids in a sweet
shop and expected any
second for one of our
four free-lined mullet
live-baits to go
screeching off. Suddenly
Mark hooked up with a
fish of well over 200lb
but after a 20 min
battle it got away.
Around two years later,
Mark and I were anchored
in more or less the same
position off Dog Island,
this time sharing the
boat with Don Metcalfe,
who hooked up with no
fewer than three tarpon
within a mad hour’s
spell one after another,
pulling out of each
following that initial
jump or two. Personally
I have actually still
yet to land one of The
Gambia’s huge tarpon,
but it doesn’t stop me
from trying.
Incidentally, and coming
down in size to much
smaller tarpon within
the 25-70lb range, there
is some fabulous action
to be had during the
Gambian summer months,
June through to
September, throughout
the rainy season. Its
pretty humid and wet,
but nice. The rain is
not of the monsoon type,
merely short, heavy
bursts. And during this
period tarpon in plenty
can be hooked using
jigs, lures and
live-baits, even on fly
from around the rocks
off Cape Point, just
south of Banjul.
For a totally different
Gambian experience, from
December through until
April, Mark and Tracey
arrange five or seven
day trips to the high
upper reaches of the
Gambia River, to
Georgetown at McCarthy
Island known locally as
JanJanBurreh. Here the
river is between 200 and
300 yards across,
scattered with islands,
sandbars, and reefs
overhung along the
margins by tall hardwood
trees. There are
baboons, monkeys, plus
an unbelievable
diversity of bird life
along with crocodiles
and numerous hippos.
This is the original
slave-trading island
settlement of the
colonial days where, in
addition to many of the
previously mentioned
saltwater species,
tooth-laden Tigerfish,
several catfish species,
and elephant snout fish
plus dozens of weird and
wonderfully colourful
species can be taken
using a variety of
In complete contrast to
these upriver safari’s
and for groups of up to
six anglers and for the
bottom-bait enthusiast
using standard beach
gear, guitarfish and
stingrays feature
regularly on the
incoming tide. In fact,
anyone considering shore
fishing in The Gambia
would do well to
remember that usually
the most prolific sport
is during that last
three hours of the
flooding tide. From the
surf beaches south of
Banjul, Mark had in
years past taken both
guitarfish and stingrays
exceeding 100lb using
fresh small whole squid
or small fish for bait,
on more or less standard
British shore angling
gear and a 25lb reel
line. So we were both
intrigued as to what
could be caught during
the three days of the
sponsored African Shore
Angling Championships
held in The Gambia
during November 2000,
along the golden sands
and bass-like surf waves
of Sanyang Beach, some
18 miles south of the
capital, Banjul. With
£5000 of tackle vouchers
to be won plus big money
optional pools, the 70
competitors from all
over Britain and Ireland
were split up into three
sections which were
rotated over the three
days. Having already
agreed with the
competition organizers,
to both open and close
the event with a prize-
giving evening,
Masterline’s marketing
director, Chris
Leibrandt and I felt
decidedly frustrated
merely walking the three
sections without a rod
in our hands each day
instead of competing.
Sometimes there were so
many fish being caught I
couldn’t decide which
direction to point my
camera lens next. I felt
particularly sorry for
Colin Palliser from
Dublin who, after
playing a huge
guitar-fish looking all
of 70lb plus for over
half an hour, had his
line parted when the
spent fish was almost on
the beach by an
enthusiastic helper, who
I nicknamed “the gaffman
from hell”.
Another titanic battle
which literally went
right down to the wire
was mail-order tackle
guru, Tony Kerrage’s
encounter with what was
obviously a huge
stingray looking well in
excess of 100lb. Again,
the result was a botched
gaffing attempt. So Tony
watched his good friend
Norman Message from
Eastbourne receive the
biggest fish of the
festival prize for a
40lb stingray knowingly
he had almost landed its
granddad! Frankly I
could not stop wondering
what might have been
beached had some of the
competitors gone for
broke with a size 5/0
hook offering a large
bonga fillet or small
whole squid as bait, on
a 25lb test reel line,
instead of two or three
small fine-wire hook
traces to just a 15lb
test reel line – the
mind boggles. But then
paradoxically top man
over the three day event
was John O’Brien from
Ireland who not only
caught far more fish
than everyone else, at
the competition rules of
5 points per fish and 10
points per kilo, his
17lb captain fish was
the biggest landed.
During the couple of
days prior to and
immediately after the
competition many of the
competitors also
experienced some very
memorable boat fishing
trips. Nigel Lloyd and
his son took it in turns
to successfully land a
tarpon hooked near Dog
Island which was
returned and estimated
after measuring at
around 220lbs.
What unbelievable sport
The Gambia has to
John Wilson
John Wilson’s book
‘Greatest Fishing
Adventures’ includes
fishing stories from
Lake Nassar, Egypt, The
Bahamas, British
Columbia, Namibia, South
India, Florida Keys,
Lake Kariba Zambia,
Spain. Kenya, The Red
River and Lake Victoria.
If you would like to
join John Wilson on one
of his escorted fishing
holidays please contact
Christine Slater,
Tailormade Holidays, 5
Station Approach,
Hinchley Wood, Surry,
Please visit this page
again as we will be
adding more FEATURED
ARTICLES from John Wilson.
Minded Barracuda'
'Gambia Top of BIG NAME