
in The Gambia
All year-round
The most popular of the
boat charter fishing trips!
coastal region of The Gambia is made
up of numerous
inshore reefs and sandbars,
deep channels & rocky outcrops, as
well as the mighty Gambia River
itself. Primarily a
tidal estuary,
these features provide an excellent
marine environment for a number of
noted Sporting Fish as well as a
multitude of local tropical species.
SPORT FISHING along the Gambian coastline gives the Angler
the opportunity to try out a number
of different fishing techniques
(trolling) &
bait fishing at anchor using a variety of live and
fresh-cut baits.
Anchored close to the reefs
and rocky outcrops using a simple
paternoster rig,
light tackle outfit and
local fresh prawns for bait, will
produce hours of fun. The excitement of battling
with a host of hard fighting reef
dwellers is added to by not knowing
what is going to hook-up on your
bait next! It is not uncommon for
more than a dozen local species to
be caught in this way.
catches can include:
Cubera Snapper,
Hardhead Catfish, King
Threadfin (Cpt.Fish), Barracuda,
Trevelle Jacks, Grouper, Angel Fish,
Tropical Wrass, Butterfish, African
Pompano, Moray Eel, Nine Bone, Ladyfish,
Cassava, Large Rays plus many other colourful species.
On the same fishing grounds anchored
close to the reefs and sandbars you
can also target the larger species.
heavy fishing gear,
baits such as live mullet and
herrings are lowered into the depths
to entice some known hard battlers.
These include the stubborn Cubera
Snapper. Once hooked this fish’s
hard short powerful runs often leave
the angler wondering what he has
hooked into. Fishing slightly off
the reefs, the West African King
Threadfin (Captain fish) locally known as Kujeli can be targeted.
These recognized sporting fish have
become a favourite with our
anglers. Although a very shy
feeder, the Captain fish, once hooked, will
give a
long powerful run
and will fight all the way back to
the boat. Other local species such
as Cassava and Ladyfish behave in
much the same way. Common to The
Gambia these localised species are
hard plucky fighters often
shoaling-up, and if they happen to
cross your fishing ground they will
hit most baits in the water
producing action for the whole
Whilst targeting these species it is
of course common for other fish to
be tempted by the baits. Jack
Trevelle, African Pompano, Cobia,
Barracuda and Large Rays can be
included in the expected catch
whilst using these methods.
Apart from the
diverse bottom fishing,
lure fishing (trolling) from a
moving boat is a tried and tested
method when targeting the well-known
Barracuda. Cruising along the
Gambian coastline fishing with a
variety of artificial lures, it is a
tense time for the fisherman as he
waits in anticipation for his rod to
buckle over and line start
screaming from his
reel. Barracuda
will strike at the lures believing
them to be fleeing bait fish. Once
hooked, these fish fight hard often
breaking the surface in an attempt
to free themselves much to the
delight of the angler. Other
predators such as Jack Travelle,
Large Pompano, Spanish Mackerel and
Snapper are also
A Typical full days' sport fishing
will often incorporate a
of different techniques to suit the
fishing on the day. The changing
tidal flow and colouration of the
water often dictates which fishing
methods are used and which fish are
to be targeted.
This is best left
to the Captain and crew whose
valuable local knowledge of the fish
and fishing grounds will put you
what's biting and
best fishing available.
Boat Charter Prices
Contact us
We are happy to answer all of your